Why FedEx tracking needs different API details?

Why FedEx tracking needs different API details?

It is not possible to select both Ship, Rate & Other APIs and Track API for a FedEx project. Therefore, an additional configuration for the Track API should be set up separately. FedEx tracking requires separate API details to ensure security, optimize service-specific functionality, and maintain compliance with data regulations.

  • How to Get FedEx Tracking API Details
  • Step-by-Step Guide:
    • Sign up or Log in
    • Create a New Project: Once logged in, navigate to the "Develop & Test" section and create a new project.
      • Select Tracking API: Since you cannot select Ship, Rate & Other APIs and Track API in the same project, create a separate configuration specifically for the Tracking API.
      • Generate API Key and Secret: Follow the steps to generate API credentials, including your API Key, API Secret, Account Number, and Meter Number.
      • Testing and Production Access: Start with sandbox (test environment) credentials, and once integration is successful, request production access for live tracking.
      • Paste the new tracking API information in the plugin settings or the shipi configuration.
      • Thats it!